In today's technological world, not only can you have a smart house but now you can also have a smart yard! Have you been concerned about how much water you are wasting while you're keeping your yard watered? Wouldn’t it be so much simpler if you had a controller that knew when it was time to water your lawn according to the weather? How about being able to control your system from an app when you're vacationing or on a business trip. If so, it’s time to upgrade to a smart controller for your irrigation system. Here are 3 reasons to upgrade your system today:
The use of a smart controller on your irrigation system will save you up to 50% on your watering costs. The smart system will determine watering based on local water regulations, weather, climate, and plant and soil types.
Your smart system will be able to decide how much water is needed, and when. If it rains heavily, the system may skip watering for that day and when it is set up, it virtually takes out the guess work of when and how much water is needed for your yard. This type of lawn engineering is very cost effective and environmentally friendly.
You can control your system no matter where you are in the world with your phone. You can set watering schedule, days, and zones or manually start and stop the sprinklers from your device. If your area is under water restrictions, you can disable the schedule or enter the watering days into the program.
You begin by setting the system to water for the amount of time you would want to water on a hot day. The system will incorporate local weather data to reduce the watering time if needed, which adds up to savings for the environment. You also will avoid over watering and can control any areas that may have any draining issues.
Smart irrigation systems will now integrate with many pre-existing
smart systems such as Alexa, Nest, Wink, Apple home, etc. So if you are looking for your own personal irrigation assistant, it’s time to upgrade and stop wasting time manually controlling your system.
Pro Irrigation takes pride in our work and believes in making things simple and cost effective while maintaining your beautiful landscape. Call or email today for a customized quote and don’t forget to ask about our specials!!
Darren Peterson